Finding AI opportunities in business workflows: A practical guide

Thomas Egebrand Gram avatar
August 30, 2024
Finding AI opportunities in business workflows: A practical guide

Unlocking the true potential of AI starts from within. This guide is designed to help you systematically identify and capitalize on internal business opportunities where AI, particularly large language models (LLMs), can drive significant improvements. By focusing on a clear, step-by-step approach, we’ll show you how to assess your current operations, pinpoint areas ripe for AI optimization, and take the first steps toward implementing impactful solutions.

Through practical tips and real-world examples, you’ll gain the insights needed to simplify the process and initiate AI-driven transformations within your organization. Let's get started.

Identifying AI opportunities within your operations

It's essential to start by understanding the landscape of your internal operations. Internal business operations encompass everything from daily workflows and processes to decision-making frameworks, customer service protocols, and data management systems. AI optimization isn't just about automating routine tasks—it's about enhancing decision-making, improving customer service, and uncovering inefficiencies that may be hidden within these processes.

A crucial first step is to map out your current operations. This mapping process provides a visual representation of where LLMs and AI could have the most impact. By auditing existing workflows, you can identify areas where AI can drive efficiencies or improve outcomes. For example, customer interactions, internal communications, and data management are areas where AI-driven solutions can deliver substantial value.

During this audit, consider the following:

  • Customer interactions: How does your company currently handle customer inquiries, support requests, and feedback? Are there repetitive tasks that could be automated?
  • Internal communications: Are there inefficiencies in how information is shared and decisions are made within teams?
  • Data management: How is data collected, processed, and analyzed? Could AI enhance the accuracy and speed of these tasks?

Understanding the scope and depth of your internal operations is key to identifying where AI can make the most significant impact.

Systematically identifying AI-ready pain points

Once you've mapped out your internal operations, the next step is to systematically identify pain points and inefficiencies that are ripe for AI intervention. This process involves gathering feedback from various departments to pinpoint repetitive tasks, bottlenecks, and areas where data processing is cumbersome or error-prone.

Start by engaging with different teams across your organization. These conversations should focus on understanding the challenges they face daily. For instance, are there tasks that employees find particularly tedious or time-consuming? Is there a recurring issue that slows down processes or affects customer satisfaction? These are the pain points where AI can deliver the most value.

In addition to qualitative feedback, leverage tools and techniques like process mining and analytics to uncover inefficiencies. Process mining, for example, can help you visualize and analyze the flow of processes within your organization, making it easier to identify bottlenecks or steps that could be streamlined through automation.

Real-world examples

  • Automated customer support: Many businesses have successfully implemented LLMs to handle routine customer inquiries, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex issues. This not only improves response times but also enhances overall customer satisfaction.
  • Enhanced data entry accuracy: AI can significantly reduce errors in data entry tasks by automating the process and cross-referencing information against existing databases.
  • Intelligent scheduling: AI-driven tools can optimize employee schedules based on demand patterns, employee preferences, and operational needs. For example, a retail company implemented AI to predict peak times and automatically adjust staffing levels, which led to improved customer service and better resource utilization.

These examples illustrate how identifying pain points and inefficiencies can lead to impactful AI-driven solutions that improve both productivity and customer experiences.

Evaluating AI potential and impact

After identifying potential areas for AI intervention, the next step is to evaluate the feasibility and potential impact of implementing AI solutions. This evaluation requires balancing the potential benefits against practical considerations, such as data availability, technical infrastructure, and organizational readiness.

Feasibility assessment

  • Data availability: AI models thrive on data. Assess whether your organization has access to the quality and quantity of data necessary for effective AI implementation. If data is lacking, consider how it can be collected or generated.
  • Technical infrastructure: Evaluate your current IT infrastructure. Is it capable of supporting the computational demands of AI? Do you need to invest in additional resources or cloud-based solutions?
  • Organizational readiness: Implementing AI requires buy-in from various stakeholders. Assess whether your organization is culturally and structurally prepared for the changes that AI will bring.

Impact prediction

To predict the potential impact of AI, consider factors like cost reduction, time savings, and improved customer satisfaction. For example, automating a labor-intensive task might free up employee time for higher-value activities, while enhancing data accuracy could lead to better decision-making and reduced operational costs.

Creating a strategic AI roadmap

Once you've evaluated the feasibility and potential impact of AI interventions, it's time to develop a strategic roadmap for AI adoption. This roadmap should prioritize opportunities identified in the previous sections, focusing first on high-impact, low-complexity projects.

Phased implementation plan

Begin with projects that offer quick wins—initiatives that are relatively simple to implement but offer substantial benefits. These projects build momentum and demonstrate the value of AI to stakeholders, paving the way for more complex implementations.

As you move forward, set measurable goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the success of each AI initiative. These metrics will help you gauge the effectiveness of your AI projects and make data-driven decisions about future investments.

Building cross-functional teams

Successful AI integration requires collaboration across multiple departments. Assemble cross-functional teams that include representatives from IT, operations, and leadership to ensure that all perspectives are considered and that AI solutions are aligned with overall business goals.

Tips for success

  • Start small: Focus on a few key projects that can demonstrate quick, tangible benefits.
  • Measure progress: Use KPIs to track progress and make adjustments as needed.
  • Foster collaboration: Encourage collaboration between technical and non-technical teams to ensure AI solutions are practical and widely adopted.

A strategic AI roadmap not only guides your implementation efforts but also ensures that your organization remains focused on achieving long-term business objectives through AI.


To recap, integrating AI into your internal business operations can unlock significant efficiencies, enhance decision-making, and drive innovation. By systematically understanding your operational landscape, identifying pain points, evaluating feasibility, and creating a strategic roadmap, you can harness the power of AI to transform your business from the inside out.

As you set off on this AI journey, remember that the first step is often the most challenging. Start by conducting an internal audit of your operations or consider reaching out for a consultation to explore how LLMs and AI can revolutionize your business processes. The future of your business lies not just in external innovation but in optimizing what you already have. AI offers the tools to do just that—efficiently, effectively, and strategically.

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